Shu Li
Dr. Li is an assistant professor in Actuarial Sciences at Western University. She is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries. Her research areas include exotic risk/ruin theory, with a particular interest in the stochastic modeling with adaptive and optimal strategies and their risk management implications, as well as predicative analytics in insurance and finance.
Areas of Interest
Risk Theory
Ruin Theory
Stochastic Modeling in Actuarial Science
Risk Management
Predictive Analytics
Gweon, H., Li, S. (2023). A hybrid data mining framework for variable annuity portfolio valuation. ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 1-16. doi:10.1017/asb.2023.26.
Li, S., Zhou, X. (2022). The Parisian and ultimate drawdowns of Lévy insurance models. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 107, 140 – 160.
Gweon, H., Li, S. (2021). Batch mode active learning for valuing large variable annuity portfolios. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 99, 105 – 115.
Wang, Z., Landriault, D., Li, S. (2021). An insurance risk process with a generalized income process: a solvency analysis. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 98, 133 – 146.
Avram, F., Li, B., Li, S. (2021). General drawdown of general tax model in a time-homogeneous Markov framework. Journal of Applied Probability 58(4), 1131 – 1151.
Gwoen, H., Li, S., Mamon, R. (2020). An effective bias-corrected bagging method for valuing large variable annuity portfolios. ASTIN Bulletin 50(3), 853 – 871.
Czarna, I., Kaszubowski, A., Li, S., Palmowski, Z. (2020). Fluctuation identities for omega-killed Markov additive processes and dividend problem. Advances in Applied Probability 52(2), 404 – 432. .
Landriault, D., Li, B., Li, S. (2018). Expected Utility of the Drawdown-Based Regime-Switching Risk Model with State-Dependent Termination. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 79, 137 – 147.
Landriault, D., Li, B., Li, S. (2017). Drawdown Risk Analysis for the Renewal Insurance Risk Process. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 3, 267 – 285.
Li, S., Landriault, D., Lemieux, C. (2015). A Risk Model with Varying Premiums: Its Risk Management Implications. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 60, 38 – 46.
Landriault, D., Li, B., Li, S. (2015). Analysis of a Drawdown-Based Regime-Switching Lévy Insurance Model. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 60, 98 – 107.